Rasing a Child During a Pandemic

It’s been a difficult few months. Covid has hit the US hard, and things are getting worse and we keep hearing “it’s going to get worse before it gets better”, and that “better” part still hasn’t happened yet. Since the last time I posted, so much have changed in our lives, and it’s now in a weird state where we feel stable and content, but am also just living one day/week at a time. [Read More]

Lockdown with a toddler: Week 2, 3

Preparing for a much longer battle...

We finished week 2 and now are in week 3 of lockdown. I’m not going to lie, it’s been tough. But we’re grateful that we’re getting better in health, keeping our jobs with flexibility to WFH and moving meetings around. Last week was tough for me at work as we have all these OKR planning session and everyone seems to want numbers from me for planning purposes. On top of that I had to propose and defend a few suggestions to other teams, so that was extra tiring. [Read More]

Lockdown with a toddler: Day 3,4,5

Survived the first week!

Phew! First week of working from home with a toddler is finished. Honestly when this started, I was anticipating 2 weeks, even though it could be longer. Now, with how the world looks, it definitely doesn’t feel like it’s only two weeks. We have to prepare for living like this for longer. On Wednesday I felt quite sick so I slept a lot while my husband took care of most of the childcare duty. [Read More]

Lockdown with a toddler: Day 2

We both woke up having sore throat this morning. Fortunately, our son seems to be doing much better today. No fever. Just some crankiness. He took a nice 3 hour nap mid-day. For us, it feels like the productivity started to go down because we’re just tired. The world doesn’t seem to be much better - lots of depressing news. My learning/realization today: 1. Trust your coworkers to cover for you. [Read More]

Lockdown with a toddler: Day 1

We survived the first day!

With the Coronavirus hitting the bay area, the local governments announced the lockdown today. Yesterday, I got a call from our daycare that they’ll be closing for two weeks. I honestly was totally expecting this, so I thanked her and said hopefully we’d see her in two weeks. I know it might take longer. Generally, I wouldn’t worry about this too much since there are two of us at home, handling one child. [Read More]